EcoHealth - SDMP

What is EcoHealth?

EcoHealth is the premier mark of distinction for sustainability performance within the NHS

EcoHealth is a third-party verification scheme for Sustainable Development Management Plans (SDMPs), which NHS organisations are required to produce as part of the NHS standard contract (service condition 18). We have drawn upon our work we have completed with various NHS organisations and the guidance from the SDU, to create the EcoHealth certification scheme. EcoHealth has three levels, each designed to help organisations to create and implement a robust SDMP to achieve real sustainability improvements.

The audit criteria for the Scheme are available online for organisations to view before joining. Upon joining the EcoHealth scheme, NHS organisations will be able to submit the evidence for the Bronze and Silver phases online. The Gold award includes a site visit from the Loreus audit team. 


The phases of the EcoHealth scheme are:
Level 1: The review stage and getting started.
Level 2: Creating the finalised SDMP.
Level 3: Embedding the SDMP & achieving objectives.

Upon completion of the criteria at each level, your organisation will receive an EcoHealth certificate, EcoHealth badge and a selection of logos to promote your achievement. 

In addition to the EcoHealth scheme, Loreus can also offer consultancy support for those organisations who do not yet have an SDMP in place. Please contact us directly for more information and to discuss your requirements. 

EcoHealth Leaflet

For further information on the EcoHealth scheme, please click on the brochure above.

What are the benefits?

Stand out from the crowd

An EcoHealth award is the premier mark of distinction for sustainability within the National Health Service. 

Improved sustainability 

Benefit from the knowledge and experience of our consultants to improve your organisation's sustainability performance.

Lead on Sustainability  

Become a leader of sustainability within the NHS, achieve the Gold standard and comply with all best practice guidance.

Last modified: Thursday, 31 January 2019, 10:09 AM